Wellbeing Coaching


Many of my private clients are professionals or business owners who are normally highly motivated and driven but are afraid to speak up at work and admit that they may need some help. They have started to notice that they seem to be under a permanent state of pressure, not sleeping well and  finding it increasingly difficult to switch off. 

They have started to feel undervalued and more frustrated and simply accept it as the price they have to pay for running their own business or the position they have reached.

Is this you?

How I Can Help?

First of all the most important factor in therapy, coaching, and change-work is the relationship. So it’s important we know we’re right for each other. So the first thing we will do before any coaching or hypnotherapy sessions are booked is have a conversation.

Second of all if you are looking for someone to tell you what to do then you are in the wrong place. I believe that you know what’s best for you. You know what you’re ready for. And whether you believe or not yet your subconscious knows how to get you to where you want to be.

My job as a coach and hypnotherapist is to help give you the time, space and perspective you need to see yourself and your situation clearly and give you the unconditional support, acceptance, skills, and knowledge you and your subconscious needs to choose what’s right for you and make it a reality.

Our sessions will flow very naturally and easily as we talk about what your goals are and what’s going on in your life and your work. You will naturally gravitate towards what needs your attention most at that time, and my gentle questions and support will help guide you through to your answers. Most of my clients are  amazed at how quickly they can relax and feel calmer and more confident.

Coaching or hypnotherapy is an investment in your own personal growth and development. And often we feel guilty about putting ourselves first.  I know it is a big decision so I want you to know the value you will be getting from me.

Guaranteed to Get...

  • 100% unconditional support, commitment and belief in all that you want to achieve and who you are.
  • A confidential listening ear that has no agenda
  • A service you will look forward to.
  • More energy, focus, clarity and satisfaction after just a few sessions.
  • Occasional homework to do between sessions which will speed up your progress.
  • Considerably closer to what you want.

The Results my Clients Create...

  • A sense of self, self-worth, and self-confidence (they learn how to love, trust, and support themselves)
  • Healthier, more supportive relationships with their friends, families, significant others, children, coworkers, employees, and clients
  • Better physical health and sleep, less stress and pain
  • More confidence and ease in their decision making
  • A more positive outlook on themselves and the world
  • Control over their response to the world and to other people
  • Clarity in what they want out of life and how to make it happen
  • The ability to set healthy boundaries and standards in their personal and professional lives
  • The resilience and strength to adjust to what life throws at them without losing themselves in the stress or expectations of others
  • The skills, knowledge, and support to reach their full potential, personally and professionally, to feel proud of the way they’re living their life.

I don’t prescribe a minimum set of sessions as everyone is different and in some cases real breakthroughs can come about after one session but in general two sessions are probably the average for a particular issue.

All the sessions will take place on Zoom.

In all cases I offer a free 30 minute strategy session to determine if we are a good fit for each other.